Smog is the devil crossbreed of smoke and fog. When these two get together... WATCH OUT! By themselves smoke and fog can be quitepleasant . They are good conversationalists and the obscure things in a very cinematic attractive way. Many a time have I been traipsing through the forest, chewing cud and suddenly I'm stopped short by a pond with a thick layer of fog laying across it and I think, "Wow is that beautiful." Or I'll be watching an old forties movie with my cow when, Humphrey Bogart appears on screen a cigarette clamped in his mouth and I am struck by how tough he appears. When smoke and fog get together though it creates a problem. First they drink and then their ability to make competent decisions falters and the next thing you know... smog. Smog quickly quits school, leaves home, and starts getting in trouble on the streets giving people cancer and taking their wallets. There is no known reform school that can calm this wild child down it lives fast and hard and it leaves a trail of heartbreak and tumors in its wake.
Dr. Nusbaum,
Is smut related to smog?
Dr. Nusbaum you are my freaking hero!
Yes it is Dr. Brendan and thank you strawbelbadude.
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