Holograms are the byproduct of a small flying insect called, Psychoda alternata, or the moth fly. The moth fly lives on the disappointment in others, that's what it eats and drinks, it's sort of nature's jerk. As a means to create disappointment in others the moth fly has evolved the ability to create seemingly three dimensional images of things a person might like. A race car, or a monster eye on hovering over a pog, or even a nice pile of willow branches that you might like to eat for supper, are some possible examples. Of course these objects have no mass and once the viewer is aware of this his or her disappointment and anguish can satiate a moth fly for days. While you stare forlornly at tasty willow branches that you can never consume the greedy little moth fly is gorging itself on your broken dreams.
1 comment:
Dr. Nusbaum you are a giant among mooses!
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